Category Archives: Beach
Myrtle Beach Umbrella Rules Change
New Beach Umbrella Rules for Myrtle Beach After Labor Day the Beach Umbrella Rules for the beaches at Myrtle Beach, SC relax slightly. Beach umbrellas must be in line or behind the Lifeguard stands and canopies and tents are now … Continue reading
Wind vs. Umbrellas
Wind Vs. Umbrellas With all the tropical storms hitting the south this year and the few stories this summer of the wind catching beach umbrellas and hurting people, My Umbrella Shop thought it would be a good idea to post … Continue reading
Beach Umbrellas vs. Patio Umbrellas
When choosing an umbrella to purchase, there are some things you should know. First, a Beach Umbrella and a Patio Umbrella are two different animals. They may look the same, but they have different requirements of which you should be … Continue reading
It’s not over yet…
Keep that Umbrella Out! Summer is Not Over! When Labor Day approaches, many think about putting away their beach umbrellas for the winter. STOP! A quick look on Google will tell you that (in Myrtle Beach, SC for example), September … Continue reading
Umbrella Specials This Labor Day Weekend! – August 2018
Labor Day Umbrella Specials! is proud to announce some super savings for you for our Labor Day Sale with our 7 1/2 ft. wood beach umbrella. 844WBNB 7 ½ ft. Wood Beach Umbrella Size: 7 ½ Ft. Ribs: 8 … Continue reading
Keeping Your Beach Umbrella from Flying Away
Keeping Your Beach Umbrella Under Control One concern that every beachgoer has about their umbrella: how do you keep your beach umbrella from flying away? There are a variety of ways to ensure your favorite shade doesn’t become a deadly … Continue reading
City of Myrtle Beach Umbrella Policy now in effect
No. Not an insurance umbrella policy for your house. A Myrtle Beach Umbrella Policy about actual beach umbrellas. The city of Myrtle beach has declared that canopies, tents, and other shading devices, not including umbrellas and small toddler tents are restricted … Continue reading
Featured: 7.5 ft. Wood Beach Umbrella With Fiberglass Ribs – With Button
This is an awesome umbrella for the beach! This 7.5 ft Umbrella with button and 8 mm fiberglass ribs and 1.5″ diameter all hardwood Center Pole features a Pop-up lift, 68″ Head Clearance, 92″ Height, and 8 panels and ribs. … Continue reading